Are you happy with your current auto insurance? It’s a question people ask themselves all the time. The decision to switch from one auto insurance provider to another is not one to take too lightly. The switch means paperwork, deciding on a different policy, and getting to know a new agent and company. But switching can also save you money and provide you with better coverage. If you are contemplating making an insurance change, here are some thing to consider.
Before taking on the exhaustive process of finding a new auto insurance provider, you may want to give your current provider one more chance to improve your rates or get better coverage.
Decide what’s important to you and find the auto insurance carriers who are best positioned to address your needs. Look up each of them and spot differences between rates, coverage, and real customer reviews. Once you’ve narrowed it down to a few, give them a call and see what discounts they may be willing to offer for you to make a switch.
When shopping for new insurance you may just look at price, but it’s imperative to pay attention to your coverage levels as well. What good is getting a great discount if you end up overpaying or getting claims denied when you actually need your insurance?
Once you’ve decided to go with a new auto insurance provider, make sure that you are all set up with your new policy and the necessary documentation before cancelling your current provider. You want to avoid having any kind of lapse in coverage—even for just a day!
When your new policy is in effect, be sure to cancel your old policy. You may even be able to talk to your old provider to confirm that your policy will be cancelled the day after your new policy take effect.
Finally, remember to put hard copies of your insurance card in your wallet and glove box or center console. It’s helpful to have an envelope marked “Insurance” so that you can easily access your insurance cards in the event of an accident or traffic stop.
While thorough research and life experiences can leave any policyholder feeling prepared and informed, a few myths can still linger about - convincing and confusing anyone who comes across them.
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